Monday, 23 April 2007

still growing

Today I went to the Rosenheim building, which is a part of UCL hospital in London. First I was weighed and measured, and I have both grown and put on weight. Then I talked to the endocrinologist about how I'm getting on with my genotropin pen, and the only different thing that I have to do is to use a shorter needle, and have a slightly bigger dose of the growth hormone. Also I will have a blood test in six month's time, at the same time as my next MRI scan at GOS so they can use the same cannula. On the way back Daddy took me into St.Paul's Cathedral before getting the train home! There wasn't any time to go to school before my piano lesson. Lots of love, Sophie x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sophie

It's wonderful news that you are growing even more. You're doing really well with the genotropin pen and we all hope the shorter needle will make it easier for you to use.

Sounds like you're getting to know London pretty well and learning a huge amount, even if you do have to miss school every now and then.

Thanks for this Blog - it's great that you can let everyone know how you are doing.

Lots of love

Nicki, David and Kate